1. Type of technology
Dry collections.
2. Contaminants which can be removed
All types of dust.
3. Emission limits possible
The range of application is decidedly wide, from coarse dusts to submicronic dusts (0.20–0.25 micron) with collection efficiencies which, with adequate filter surfaces, can exceed 97%.
4. Description of the equipment and/or process
This is an automatic fabric dust collector, designed for continuous duty (24 hours a day), with reverse flow cleaning of the filter fabric.
It can handles air containing very fine dusts maintaining a fairly high capture efficiency, even in the case of particles with diameter less than l micron.
When special fabrics are adopted, the dust collector can be used for maximum operating temperatures also up to 200°C. (glass fibres).
The construction is based on modular panels. This makes for easier transport and assembly while the dust collector can easily be extended also after installation.
The dust collector is provided with ample inspection doors, opening at the top of the dust collector or on the hopper under the cells. Thus maintenance is greatly simplified or at least it is easy to inspect the internal parts.
The filter elements consist of suitably sized wire cages and a bag of special filter fabric whose characteristics are determined in accordance with each specific application. Connection of the filter elements to the «Venturis», integral with the top tube sheet is quick, easy and practical; such factor allows cutting down on maintenance costs.
The cleaning cycle is variable depending on the actual needs of the plant to which the dust collector is connected. The control device is designed so as to allow variation of both cleaning time and frequency of the air jet.
This flexibility in operation facilitates the secondary physical phenomena deriving from reverse flow cleaning which causes the dislodgement of the layer of dust built up on the fabric so that the latter is thoroughly cleaned thus restoring the maximum degree of permeability to the filter fabric.
In other words, it is possible to «calibrate» each filter for the specific needs and characteristics of each installation, thus making full use of the machine’s characteristics and obtaining the best possible efficiency in each particular case.
Lastly it is possible to clean the filter fabrics at temperatures other than ambient temperature according to plant requirements, in relation to potential condensation phenomena.
Our bag filters are normally connected via a fixed or mobile installation to one or more sources generating the dust before the latter can be diffused in the environment and pollute the workplace.
Collection efficiencies achieved almost always exceed 99% and the dust collectors find optimum application in the following industries:
The dust-laden air enters the filter chamber and flows through the filter bags from the outside towards the inside.
Cleaning is performed by causing a jet of compressed air 6-7 atm. to flow, via solenoid valves, from the inside towards the outside of the filter bags.
Each solenoid valve is commanded with sequential intervals from 10-50 sec. via an electronic control panel.
The pressure drops across the filter bags do not normally exceed 120 mm. water gauge; compressed air consumption is approx. 0.15 m3/hour per sq.m. of fabric (2.5 lt/min).